Daily Archives: August 23, 2022

DeSantis Meddles in Local School Board Elections — Diane Ravitch’s blog

Advertisements Remember when Republicans believed in local control of schools? Those days are over, at least in Florida (and in other states where billionaires and Wall Street titans pour money into school board races to advance privatization). In Florida, Governor … Continue reading

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Florida: Federal Judge Blocks Part of DeSantis’ WOKE Act That Affects Employers — Diane Ravitch’s blog

Advertisements Federal Judge David Walker in Florida blocked the part of Governor DeSantis’s WOKE Act that prevents private employers from teaching their employees about equity, diversity and inclusion, saying it violates First Amendment protections. The ACLU is also suing to … Continue reading

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Stunning News from Conservative Journal: U.S. Public Schools Are Better Than Ever! — Diane Ravitch’s blog

Advertisements Now here is a surprise: Paul Petersen, editor of the conservative journal Education Next and leader of Harvard’s Program on Education Policy and Governance, published an article with his postdoctoral student M. Danish Shakeel demonstrating the steady and impressive … Continue reading

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There Is A Teacher Shortage.Not. — DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER

Advertisements THERE IS A TEACHER SHORTAGE. And just to be sure you understand, it’s not that teachers don’t want to teach. It’s not that there aren’t enough teachers certified to teach. It’s that teachers don’t wish to teach among the … Continue reading

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