Daily Archives: August 12, 2022

North Carolina: Charter Operator Plans Supreme Court Appeal on Dress Code for Girls — Diane Ravitch’s blog

Advertisements In North Carolina, charter operator Baker Mitchell plans to go to the U.S. Supreme Court to appeal a court decision barring him from requiring girls to wear skirts to school. The nonpartisan organization “In the Public Interest” reports: A … Continue reading

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Beto O’Rourke Takes Down a Heckler with One Sentence — Diane Ravitch’s blog

Advertisements This is a fabulous video of a rally for Beto O’Rourke, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Texas. He was in West Texas, which is red red red. He is explaining why he thinks the gun laws for purchasing … Continue reading

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Arizona: Parents, Educators, Others Must Fight Rightwing Voucher Plan—Again! — Diane Ravitch’s blog

Advertisements Perhaps you thought the voucher fight was over in Arizona in 2018 when voters rejected vouchers by a decisive margin of 65-35%. But no, the clear and overwhelming decision of the state’s voters did not deter the Christofascists who … Continue reading

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