Daily Archives: August 2, 2022

A Long History of Housing Redlining Has Shaped Today’s School Finance Inequity — janresseger

Advertisements In Schoolhouse Burning, a fascinating history of public education and racial injustice published in 2020, constitutional and civil rights scholar Derek Black describes school funding inequity based on studies by school finance expert, Bruce Baker: “(W)hen it comes to … Continue reading

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Do Black Parents Have Rights? — Diane Ravitch’s blog

Advertisements In the past few years, we have seen the rise of something called the “parental rights” movement. This movement consists of angry white parents, mostly women, like “Moms for Liberty” and “Parents Defending Freedom,” who insist that they as … Continue reading

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Jennifer Berkshire: Why Do So Many Democrats Refuse to Defend Public Schools? — Diane Ravitch’s blog

Advertisements Jennifer Berkshire inquires into why so many Democratic leaders and pundits have refused to defend public schools, even though most parents are satisfied with their public schools. As the public schools are blamed for all the evils of modern … Continue reading

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Minimum Wage Hits Lowest Value Since 1956 — Diane Ravitch’s blog

Advertisements The Economic Policy Institute is one of the very few think tanks in Washington, D.C. that cares about the status of working people. When one of its reports gets attention, critics are fast to point out that it is … Continue reading

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