District Should Find Additional Stream of Revenue!


Consider, Sen. Paul Bettencourt, R-Houston, who sits on the Commission of Public Education Funding,(who) said districts should expand their revenue streams to include sources other than local property taxes and the state. He pointed to Dallas ISD, which pulls in about $10 million annually from philanthropy.

In February, I wrote an article about my skepticism regarding the “Commision of Public Education Funding” and some of its members. Another one just jumped in front of a bus. The above statement is one of the most foolish and short-sighted ones I have heard in a long time.

Instead of spending their time trying to find solutions, they spend their time making ridiculous statements. First Larry Taylor and “MAKE SCHOOLS MORE EFFICIENT” and now  Bettencourt suggesting that “fundraising activities will help district fill their budgets.

Most districts already require that many of their programs conduct a yearly fundraiser to help offset what the district is unable to provide through the budget process. Mr. Bettencourt is from Houston, meaning that he is from a larger city and thinks that the “fundraising pool” is bottomless. Well, Mr. Bettencourt, it is not bottomless in fact it is very shallow. When fundraising occurs at a school, students return to the same people that contributed previously in hopes of squeezing just a little more from them. Eventually, those kind and generous people reach a limit to what they can contribute.

In smaller communities, the pool is even more shallow. Fewer people ask for additional contributions, therefore reaching that person’s limit quicker.

Dear Commission of Public Education Funding,

Stop wasting time on avoiding the problem. The problem is that there must be more money given to schools. Stop saying that property taxes need to be lowered. The only reason that they are so high is because the state refuses to fund public schools properly. Stop telling schools to be more efficient. Stop telling them to “fundraise” more. Just stop the nonsense.

Begin first by accepting that the state has failed on the obligation to “properly” fund public schools. Not by wasting time with voucher bills to divert funds away from public schools.

Accept that it will most likely require a new stream of revenue from the state level. Yes, you might have to put casino gambling on the ballot. Let the people decide if they want it or not.

Along with the vote on casino gambling should be a bill that requires all revenue earned from the casinos to be put in the “rainy day fund”. This will allow the public to see what is actually being raised from the casinos. When the true amount of the casino funds is known to the public, then it can be used to SUPPLEMENT public education.

Below you will find the definition to supplement to make sure that there is not a misunderstanding of its meaning.


1 something that completes or makes an addition

2a part added to or issued as a continuation of a book or periodical to correct errors or make additions


David R. Taylor

When this committee was formed, I was very skeptical. So far they have not done anything to reduce my skepticism. With the comment by Taylor(no relation) and Bettencourt I may actually be more skeptical.

If the committee is not going to work to find a solution, then they should just go home and stop wasting time and money.


David R. Taylor

30-year Teacher, Coach, and Principal


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