
The following was written by my friend Beau Thompson a fellow teacher and coach as well as an actor. His perspective is refreshing.

Well sorry for missing last week but sometimes things just get chaotic and crazy. We all want to be as busy as possible and then we get swamped. Mixed blessing to say the least. I LOVE IT!!!

I perform for an Improv Group called Zingers Comedy Club in Bedford, Texas and we had a school bring in their teachers for year-end awards. How fun as a teacher to have my entertainment world merge. It all just came together and was one of those times where we get to have as much fun (if not more) than the guest. They thought it was great that my day job was a teacher and the comedy and acting was my second job. Moments like that makes it all worthwhile.

Then I got to go to a screening of a movie I had just completed and people saying that we need to do a movie about my character. Just makes you feel like maybe you are doing something right. As an actor you want people to enjoy what you do and to bring that story alive for them. I think what makes it even better is that it made my wife proud of what I was doing.

Writing wise had some people read a script and really seemed to like and was interested in it. Looks like we are going to make a movie. That still amazes me. How wonderful that others want to tell a story you built and constructed.
Now I said all that to say this. We all, me especially, tend to dwell on the negative and constantly question what we are doing as an actor, writer or teacher. Then suddenly a week like this pops up. Students telling you how much they learned in your class, great job acting and we love your script. It is almost as overwhelming as when we wonder if anyone gets the subject we teach, can I even act or why the heck did I write that.

We forget or get caught up in this or that. Ultimately we do this because we are driven. Sometimes so driven we forget that it is okay to be good at what we are doing. That is okay to enjoy the attention. That it is okay to say not everyone can do what we are doing. It is not being on an ego trip, or narcissistic to be proud of a job well done. I am the world’s worst at self-doubt and self-criticizing as anyone I know. Heck I cannot even look at myself on film without cringing. It takes an overwhelming week like this last week that makes me think that just maybe I am good at it. So I say to all of you in those moments of self-doubt and self-criticism to allow yourself a breath of “Hey I love this!” Take time and enjoy what you are doing and realize you are making a difference not only in your life but those around you. If nothing else you are an example of what it takes to pursue a dream. That you matter and make a difference. How? You love what you do. What can be greater than that? KEEP GOING! The dream is only as alive as you make it.

Beau Thompson

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